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Department of Histology and Embryology

Time:2021-11-08    Author:    Visits:

Overview of Departmental Disciplines

Histology and embryology have been an important subject in Xiangya medical College since 1916.In 1954, the teaching and research section Histology and Embryology was established.Our department began to admit graduate students in 1986and was be able to grant doctoral degree in 2003. In 2006thediscipline was named the key disciplines in Hunan Province,andin 2007 was selected as a national teaching team.At present, there arethreeprofessors (includingtwodoctoral advisors),threeassociate professors (includingthreemaster’s advisors),two lecturersandoneteaching assistant. 75% of the faculty members have doctoral degrees.Right now, there are one "Chinese young anatomist",one “Huxiang youth talent”,andone “Huxiang scientific and technological innovation youth talent”.

Teaching Introduction

So far,threecourses are offered,histology andembryology,medicaldevelopmentalbiology, andadvancesin vascular biology.The "Reproductive System"courseof the eight-year clinical medicine programis conducted,and one massive open online course (MOOC) ofhistology andembryologyisestablished.In last five years, our faculty has won two university-level teaching achievement awards. It has undertaken2provincialand a fewuniversity-level teaching reform projects in our department. Thirty teaching research papers have been published, including five science citation index (SCI) papers. Faculty members resided as deputy editorandeditor-in-chieffor 3 and 2textbooksrespectively,and participated in the compilation ofmanytextbooks.

Research Programs

At present, the faculty members have obtained 11 National Natural Science Foundation of China,andmore than 20 provincial and ministerial projectssuch as provincial level key research project. More than 10 national patentswere granted.

Two mainresearch concentrations have beenformed:1.Epigeneticsofatherosclerosis; 2.Development,and tumor developmentanddrug resistance.