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Reproductive and Stem Cell Engineering Institute

Time:2021-11-08    Author:    Visits:

The Reproductive and Stem Cell Engineering Institute, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Central South University, was founded in 2003. The Laboratory of Human Reproductive EngineeringatHunan Medical University was its predecessor, which was established in 1978 under the leadership of Professor Lu Huilin, the famous founder ofMedical Geneticsin China, and Professor Lu Guangxiu, a famous expert in reproductive medicine and genetics in China.In1981,one of the first doctor's degree authorization centers of Medical Genetics in China was set up and in 1988 Hunan-China Genetic Medicine Center and National Sperm Bank Technical Guidance Center was approved to be established.In 1996, it was pre-approved by the state key discipline department of "Project 211", andincluded into the state key discipline of geneticsin 2001. TheNational Engineering Research Center for Human Stem Cells (NERCSC)was established with the approval of the National Development and Reform Commission in 2004 andthe NHC Key Laboratory of Human Stem Cell and Reproductive Engineeringwas approvedto be established by the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of Chinain 2006.

Five departmentswere constructedin the institute:EmbryonicStemCellLaboratory,AdultStemCell Laboratory, Human Reproductive Engineering Laboratory,MolecularGenetics Laboratory and CellularGenetics Laboratory.There are many Large-scale Instrumentsworth more than 30 million yuan, includingAffymetrix Gene Chip System, ABI3100DNA Sequencer, DHPLC, Fluorescence Real-time Quantitative PCR Instrument, 2-D Electrophoresis and Analysis System, Gel Imaging System, Automatic Biochemical Analyzer, Scanning Electron Microscope, Laser Confocal Microscope, Flow Cytometer, Fluorescence Microscope, Cell Culture Chamberand so on.Theresearchareacovers more than 2,000 square meters,including CITIC Xiangya Reproductive and Genetic Hospitaland Hunan Guangxiu Hospital.The instituteis a well-known modern laboratory and reproductive geneticmedicalcenter integrating medical treatment, scientific research andschoolteachingwitha national key discipline "985" platform and a key discipline of the third phase of "211 Project" of Central South University, furthermore ithas2first-classdiscipline ofBiology andBasicMedicine, which the latter is a key disciplineof Hunanprovince, and four second-classdisciplines ofStemCell andRegenerativeMedicine,ReproductiveMedicine,Genetics andDevelopmentalBiology.

In the training of high-level research talents, theinstitute has continuously attracted outstanding talents from all over the country through strong academic atmosphere and superior scientific research technology platform, and also attracted a number of young academic backbone to return to China after completing their studies, forming a high-level research team with reasonable structure.This team has 32stuffs. Among them, 26 are researchers,with9 professors and 14 associate professors.Talent Awards are as follows,1Young andMiddle-agedExpertwith OutstandingContributions,1Young andMiddle-agedExpertwith OutstandingContributionsof the national ten million talent project,1NationalMay 1LaborMedal,Top ten female heroes in China,1National March 8thRedFlagBearer,1Nationwide Prominent Teacher,1China's 93RoleModel,1the 5th ChinaPopulation Award,1the2ndNewCenturyFemaleInventor,1OutstandingFemaleInventor, 3Special government allowance of The State Council,1National OutstandingScientificResearcher,1the3rdNationalFamousDoctor,1“ChiefScientistof 863 Program,1National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaOutstanding Youth Fund,1"ExcellentTalent in theNewCentury" of the Ministry of Education,1Outstanding Contribution Award of Science and Technology of Hunan Province,1Hunan GuangzhaoScience and Technology Award, 2Hunan Science and Technology star,1Training Objects of Discipline Leaders in Colleges and Universities in Hunan Province, 2YoungBackboneTeachers in Hunan Province, 1Hunan ProvinceHigh-Level Health Talents 225 Project Discipline leaderTrainingObject, 1Hunan High-level Health Talents 225 Key Engineering Talents Training object. The academic team thus won theHunan Provincial Scientific andTechnologicalInnovationTeamin 2017.

After more than 40 years of development, theinstitute has made a series of domestic leading and international advanced landmark achievements in the fields of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, Reproductive Medicine and Genetics, forming obvious disciplinary advantages and academic characteristics: ten national firsts in the research of assisted reproductive technology have beencreated; the first human somatic cloning blastocystin the worldhas been established, which has been reported by the《American Wall Street Journal》and the《British Times》;the largest human embryonic stem cell bankhas been built up; forthe first time in the worldto prove thatabnormal fertilization embryos can be used as an effective source of hEScell lineswithnormal karyotype;the world's first batchofbabies were pre-screened viaPGD / PGS detection platform using new generation sequencing technology and China's first "cancer-free baby" was born.

Since the institutehas been found, 947 scientific researcharticleshavebeenpublished,whichincluding 372 SCI papers and the highest impact factor of 54.42. Representative papers have been published in international authoritative journals such as《New England Journal of Medicine》,《Cell Stem Cell》,《Cell Research》,《Nature Communications》,《Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology》,《GeneticsinMedicine》,《American Journal of Human Genetics》,《Autophagy》,《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》and so on.More than 10 textbooks and monographs have been compilatedandpublished, and 62 patentshave beenobtained. Fourteenachievement awards, including the second prize of theNationalScientific andTechnologicalProgressAward, have been obtained.One hundred and eighty-threescientific research projects weregained,which the types of funds are includedinternational cooperation projects, National 863Program, 973 Plan, national key R&D projects, key projects of National Natural Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation and other projects,including 62from the state and121from Hunanprovince finance, with a total fund of 136.6 million yuan.

In terms of postgraduate and refresher training, 118 doctoral candidates and 283 postgraduates were graduated, and 10 post-doctors and many advanced students were trained in the institute. After graduation, the trained students have become academic backbone talents in major hospitals therefore the institute become a first-class talent training base in China.At present, there are 30 doctoralcandidates and 40postgraduatestudents. At the same time, multi-level internationalcooperationand exchangesaround the discipline research directionshavebeencarried out, and a number of employees and postgraduateshave beensent to study for postdoctoral or doctoral joint training in foreign cooperative schools or scientific research institutionsfrom the institute. Many well-known experts at home and abroad have been invited to the institute to give academic lectures or academic exchanges for teachers and students.Fourinternational conferences and 8 domestic conferenceswere held by theinstitute.

All in all, with long-term academic accumulation, excellent research groups and advantageous scientific competitiveness, a positive academic influence and leading academic position in similar disciplines and fields has been formed, as a result a high popularity and influence at home and abroad has been created in theinstitute.