
Faculty Recruitment
        Faculty Recruitment         International Cooperation

Faculty Recruitment 2021

Time:2021-11-11    Author:    Visits:

Section1-Leading talents


Internationally renowned scholars, as well as academic talents withrequiredlevel.We hope you are committed to keyparts in your study area and have madeoutstanding achievementsinternationally, or achievements in talent training.


Provide generous salary, sufficient scientific research funds, subsidiesfor new homebuyers, favorable working environmentand laboratory conditions, and if your spouse come together with you, we will give her/him a proper job, too.

Section2-Innovative talents


Excellent research and technological innovation ability, active academic thinking,has madeoutstanding academic achievementsor researchfieldhas important prospects, has potential tolead the wayin related fieldand younger than 42(younger than 47 if you are extraordinary).


1.At least RMB500,000 / year,withfullsocial insurance.

2.Subsidiesfor new homebuyers with RMB1.3 million, we alsoprovide a two-year transitionalapartmentinChangsha.

3.Research start-up fundswithRMB 2-4 million(excluding national or local project funds).

4.If your family come together with you, we willproperly arrangeyour spouse's job andchildren's enrollment.

Section3-Excellent Young Teachers


We hope youhave madefairly academic achievements,have great potentialin your study field and younger than 32(younger than 38 if you are extraordinary).


We will offer you bout RMB180,000-300,000/ year, scientific research fundsRMB 0.1-1.2 million,subsidiesfor new homebuyers with RMB200,000-500,000,with fullsocial insurance,andproperly arrangeyour spouse's job andchildren's enrollment,too.

Section4-Full-time Postdoctoral Studies


Youmust haveobtainedyourdoctoral degreein the past three years, andhave madefairlyresearchachievementsduringyourdoctoral studywith age under35.


We will offer you RMB160,000-300,000ayear,with full insurance and subsidies.

2.We offer you apartments or rental subsidiesif you don’t have place to live in Changsha.

4.Same treatment for your children to study in our own schools.

5.Opportunity to become our teachers after

(3) Support conditions

It is divided into special funding, key funding, and general funding.

Section 5-How to Apply

Please send your resume tous,includingyourbasic personal information and contact information,educationand workingexperience, representativeachievements(including papers, projects, patents,books and so on) and tell us which job you prefer. We will check and reply in time.

Contact information


Email: [email protected];

2.Vice President-GangYin

Email: [email protected]

3.Directorof HR -XiaoyanBi

Email: [email protected].